Economie mondiale
Les conditions économiques de l'indépendance à l'ère de la mondialisation
Pierre Kipré
- L'Harmattan
- 21 Octobre 2011
- 9782296555587
Dans cinquante ans, l'Afrique ne devra plus être du Tiers-Monde, ni le sujet principal des discours sur l'aide. Pour cela, il faut fonder la vision du futur africain sur le bilan rationnel et dépassionné des cinquante dernières années, au lieu des projections approximatives d'une réalité si mouvante et si oppressive qu'est la mondialisation des mouvements de capitaux, de techniques, des idées et des courants migratoires.
"Although Guinea has important assets in natural resources, hydroelectric energy, agricultural, land and fishing resources, it has not succeed to the present day to use them to transform itself and establish the economic and social development so awaited by its people. The author gives to the government the keys to inclusive and sustainable development based on the endogenous capacities of the country. (La version française de l ouvrage : Clés pour le développement de la Guinée, est disponible)."
Cahiers d'économie politique n°.61 ; paper in political economy
- L'Harmattan
- 19 Décembre 2011
- 9782296556911
Au sommaire de ce numéro : Bowley's law : The diffusion of an empirical supposition into economic theory / From Austrian economics to the Swedish welfare state : Wicksellian views on money and income distribution / Income distribution and the trade cycle in the "years of high theory" / Kaldor et la théorie keynésienne de la répartition / Education, growth and distribution : Classical-Marxian economic thought and a simple model / Public expenditure composition and growth : a neo-Kaleckian analysis.
Development efforts in Afghanistan is there a will and a way? the case of disability and vulnarability
Jean-françois Trani
- L'Harmattan
- Ethique Economique
- 23 Juin 2011
- 9782296545229
This collective work addresses key issues surrounding the provision of international assistance. It is based on fieldwork and research undertaken in Afghanistan, and evaluates a number of development programmes. By identifying the gap between the needs of people and the delivery of aid, and examining the decision making processes of donnor agencies in determining which programmes to fund, this book questions the underlying values and assumptions that motivate interventions.
How to end hunger in times of crises ; let's start now !
- L'Harmattan
- 12 Mai 2015
- 9782336307282
Il s'agit de la traduction en anglais de l'ouvrage Comment en finir avec la faim en temps de crises. Commençons dès maintenant ! de Ignacio Trueba et Andrew MacMillan, L'Harmattan, 2014. EXPO Milan 2015 is about Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life. The United Nations presence at EXPO is anchored in the Zero Hunger Challenge, issued by UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon. This book celebrates EXPO by trying to help people understand how hunger can be ended quickly and how the world can feed itself sustainably.
Business and the meeting of western and asian civilizations
Daniel Haber
- L'Harmattan
- 24 Janvier 2014
- 9782343022789
Here is one the major challenge for executives, managers, students in management: how to apprehend correctly the world in which they live. This book has one goal: to give the readers a guide for analyzing the enormous quantity of information which flood into their lives. How to assess these data, identify the news which will really impact the world, bring sense to what seems a chaos, in short to put information into a true perspective.
Brazil the disputed rise of a regional power 2003 2015
Patrick Howlett-Martin
- L'Harmattan
- Inter-National
- 2 Décembre 2015
- 9782343080734
"One of the key elements in Brazil?s foreign policy is his challenge to the distribution of power on the international level. The current system of world governance is considered unfavorable to developing countries and unfavorable to Brazilian interests. Hence Brazil's efforts with developing countries and its BRICS partners to work together to replace hegemony and unilateralism with a greater democratization of world governance."
Los pequeños agricultores de coca y amapola en colombia ; entre la ilusión y la miseria
Clara Alvarez
- L'Harmattan
- 23 Juillet 2018
- 9782343143149
"Clara Álvarez realizó entrevistas y relatos de vida, como retratos recolectados en zonas particularmente difíciles y peligrosas, relatando en este libro la historia de la producción de drogas en Colombia, la organización de esta empresa y sus consecuencias en la vida de las comunidades implicadas en la producción de la coca y de la amapola.(Ouvrage en espagnol)"
The hypercitizen world game ; writings on the emerging global order
Andrea Pitasi
- L'Harmattan
- 22 Janvier 2021
- 9782336318929
"Écrit en collaboration avec Natália Brasil Dib, Emilia Ferone et Sara Petroccia, cet essai en anglais comprend un ensemble de contributions qui analysent la méthode recherche sociologique relative à la notion de « Hypercitizenship », en se focalisant sur les questions du développement global, de la croissance technologique et du cosmopolitisme du point de vue du citoyen."